
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tweet, not Twitter.

Birdhouses and feeders are great projects to build that are quick, easy and make great Christmas gifts for that birdwatcher on your list. They are also great projects to make with children. I plan on making one with my daughter when she is old enough. A few weeks ago I made this one (early when the family was still asleep). I used this plan The Chalet by Real Bird Homes. There is also a video on YouTube that shows how to build it. I like this video because it's just a regular guy out in his shop. I particularly like how he burns his way through the entrance hole with a very dull hole saw. You won't see that on any of the woodworking shows.

Here are the pieces cut to size. I used the cutoffs from the 45 degree cuts to make the diamond shaped addition to the front. As I understand it, the double thickness at the entrance hole helps to deter predators. I'm not sure about that but I think it looks nice.
With glue and brads I attached the piece to the front. I clamped it to my drill press, with a backer board, and drilled the entrance hole with a 1 3/4" Forstner bit (look no burn marks).

This house has several nice design features. There are drainage holes in the bottom, vents up under the eaves and a side cleanout. Here I used two 6d galvanized finished nails to act as hinges for the side cleanout.

On the back side, I used a deck screw which is all that is needed to hold it in. All other sides are glued and nailed with brads.

...and here's the completed birdhouse ready for finishing. Some birds (like bluebirds) are very picky about where they nest and will not take up residence in a house that is finished with certain types of paints or stains. A good resource on birds and birdhouse plans can be found here, 50Birds. Make it fun.

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